Photo by Stephen Dawson / Unsplash

Tactics CMO invested in the most during the pandemic


What investments did your company make to improve the performance of your digital marketing activities over the last year (as of Aug 2021)?

According to the recent August 2021 CMO Survey, these were the top three investments marketing leasers made:

  1. Optimizing company's website - 77%
  2. Digital media and search - 69%
  3. Data analytics - 65.7%

The survey showed digital marketing was a top priority for many CMOs during the pandemic.  With markets opening up and demand products growing, it will be interesting to see how marketers start shifting focus on areas where the focus was weak.  Areas where CMOs have not invested much during the pandemic, were CRO, dealing with privacy issues, and machine learning and automation.

Data of the Week

Kris Twitter

I'm fascinated by how technology are transforming the marketing landscape, and I analyze those dynamics and trends to help businesses make better strategic decisions.