Google AdWords Help Center


For those marketers, analyst, or even people who are interested in learning what Google AdWords is all about, you have to check out the Google AdWords Help Center.

Obviously, Google AdWords is a paid per click (PPC) management tool, where you can set your keywords, creatives, links, ad groups, etc.

Although the concept of PPC is pretty simple, when you consider all the factors around costs, creatives, setting up different ad groups, campaigns, and setting up links to different landing pages, it could get pretty confusing for people who are new to this.

I highly recommend going through these learning materials which are offered through multimedia or text. It is totally free, and it only requires your time.

AdWords Help Center for everyone

For me, and many other web analytics experts, we’re particularly interested in getting Google Analytics integration with AdWords right.  Some of the key things that you’ll benefit from the integrations are:

  • Bring in Google Analytics goals into AdWords
  • Import remarketing audience that you built in Google Analytics
  • Able to get AdWords data into Google Analytics to automatically mark up the traffic driven from AdWords

Link Google Analytics and AdWords

In this AdWords Help Center, one of the important thing that I think marketers need to walk away knowing is the GCLID “Google Click Identifier”.  When Google Analytics enables auto-tagging, what it essentially does is, it adds a bit of additional information, or a parameter called GCLID to the end of the URL people click through.  Example:  For example, if someone clicks on your ad

Example:  For example, if someone clicks on your ad for, the final URL will look like

Sometimes the GCLID is created at the time of an impression, rather than a click. So, multiple clicks would be registered in the performance report.

About auto-tagging

The topic around data integration between AdWords and Google Analytics is something you cannot avoid.  AdWords is something many marketers are investing in, and when you’re reporting from different tools, you’ll occasionally bump into discussions around data quality, integrations, etc.

Marketing Strategy

Kris Twitter

I'm fascinated by how technology are transforming the marketing landscape, and I analyze those dynamics and trends to help businesses make better strategic decisions.