Web Analytics for Customer Support and Care Site Paid Members Public
One of the ultimate outcome for having a website is to drive and improve customer loyalty. It is not common for major companies to have customer support site, forums, pages, etc. However, I feel like many companies spend little time measuring their customers’ activities using web analytics for customer support.
Landing Pages Long Tail Analysis Segmented by Conversion Paid Members Public
I love looking at landing pages, especially segmenting the report by conversion. We all land on a page via search engines, external sites, email, banner ads, bookmark, Facebook, etc. Regardless of where site traffic comes from, if the landing page is an optimal page that speaks to people’s needs,
Improve Customer Experience and Outcome Using Digital Analytics Paid Members Public
Going back to many years ago, web analytics initially started from log file analysis to support IT and programmers to help them debug issues on the server. This blog post focuses on the work that involves collaboration between analytics and engineers to improve customer experience and outcome. I have worked
Customer Satisfaction - Web Analytics Actions and Measurement Points Paid Members Public
I wanted to share my thoughts around Customer satisfaction on e-commerce sites lately and wanted to hear yours. One of the ultimate outcomes for a website is customer satisfaction. I think of an e-commerce site with great customer satisfaction as Zappos.com. It is one of the ultimate models to
Remarketing with Email and Web Analytics Paid Members Public
I have seen some articles that mention some great findings and research from eMarketing and pitches from Email marketing solutions integrating with web analytics solutions to improve conversions by remarketing with email. What can we do from a web analytics perspective before jumping on to implementing remarketing with emails? In
Effective Executive Reporting Dashboard for Web Analytics Paid Members Public
Regarding an effective executive reporting dashboard for web analytics, I often read about discussions on what could be a great dashboard or that one best executive summary slide could be. In reality, there is no such thing as a perfect dashboard that meets everyone’s requirements. The dashboard will be
Optimize Site Design for Best Screen Resolution and Increase Conversions Paid Members Public
What is your site visitors’ screen resolution? With an increase in sales for netbooks and laptops, your site might be experiencing an increase in site visitors with smaller screen resolutions. I hope you don’t underestimate the impact of screen resolutions on the conversion rate. I have seen many sites
Operational Metrics to Gain Insights on Customer Satisfaction for eCommerce Paid Members Public
In web analytics for eCommerce, we tend to discuss marketing and capabilities within the context of the tools that we use on daily basis and forget the bigger picture. Other than measuring the click-stream data, a lot of the web analytics tools are capable of integrating external data into the