Marketing Strategy

The Value of Your Traffic Referrals to a Website Members Public

I’ve picked up an interesting article from Fortune Magazine regarding what makes Google News worth so much to Google when there are no ads.  Through this article, I’d like to share some thoughts around measuring the value of your traffic to your website. Basically, free products offered from

Marketing Strategy

Site Optimization Utilizing Keywords from Search Members Public

When it comes to analyzing “keywords” against your website, you could probably look into few different areas of keywords analysis.  This post talks site optimization by using keywords from search. 1. Keywords from search engines 2. Internally searched terms 3. Data from Google Search Console For Optimizing Your Site for

Marketing Strategy

Non-Transactional Vs Transactional Website : The Value of Goals Members Public

What is a non-transactional website? Unlike transactional websites, non-transactional websites don't have transactions on the site, making it difficult to understand the value of the goal. For example, conversions for non-transactional websites could have an objective to engage customers, lead generation, gain newsletter signups, etc. Every analyst has

Marketing Strategy

First Step to Increase Conversions on Your Website Members Public

The ultimate goal for any websites is to convert. An entire book can be written to cover how to increase conversions on your website, but I would like to start off by reviewing where to start and take the first step. 1) Define what is the conversion This is very

Marketing Strategy

Measure PPC Campaigns and Optimize Members Public

A lot of marketers and businesses are investing on PPC (Paid per Click) ads for various reason. Some of the reasons are obtaining higher traffic, promote certain pages, increase conversion through targeted users, etc. Obviously, if you invest in PPC campaigns, you might want to know how it performed in

Marketing Strategy

Qualified Visitors for Transactional Site Members Public

The number of visitors is a vague metric for understanding whether your website visitors are qualified visitors or not. Since not all visitors are equal, how do we determine if your site is getting qualified traffic to your website? The answer will be determined by what you consider a success

Marketing Strategy