Marketing Strategy

Ways to Create Content for Social Media and Search Members Public

Marketers have been talking about social media and using it as their primary online marketing tactics to drive traffic and qualified leads to their site, business, brands, etc. Some of the obvious tools are twitter,, stumbleupon, delicious, facebook, myspace, linkedin, etc. I believe all of those social media

Marketing Strategy

How to Come Up With a Keywords List for SEO Members Public

For those who own a site promoting their products or simply writing blogs, I assume there are times you consider thinking and generating keywords for SEO. First, I need to say that since Google has limited its visibility on keywords for Organic Search within Google Analytics, I’ve been using

Marketing Strategy

Landing Page Optimization 101 - LPO Members Public

How many analysts analyze the landing page and optimize the page to make it work better for your site’s goal? Probably most of you are doing landing page optimization. I’m not sure, but it is an important marketing discipline that every marketer should maximize your website traffic. Even

Marketing Strategy

Web Analytics Tracking Requirements 101 Members Public

When launching a site or considering implementing web analytics trackings, you may want to consider thinking about the following points. I hope this article guides you in formulating your thoughts around what to track on your site. * All pages should contain tracking codes with unique page identifiers (page name, content

Marketing Strategy

Content Strategy Users with NEEDs Vs. WANTs Members Public

A user with a “need” for something is slightly more difficult to convert than a user with a “want”.  The content strategy when building your site, you should be aware of how you serve your site content based on your users’ point of view. Users may have different intent when

Marketing Strategy

Why 301 Redirect is Important for SEO Members Public

When moving or replacing a web page from one URL to another, setting up a 301 redirect is important for SEO practice.  Biggest reasons why it is important for SEO is because: 1. It tells Google (or other search engines) that the URL indexed by search engine has moved to

Marketing Strategy

Google Quality Score Determines the Cost per Click (CPC) Members Public

We think that the highest bidder will always rank higher than the lower bidder due to the nature of the traditional auction. However, it doesn’t work that way with Google Adwords. So here are the main takeaways of these three key points determining ad positions and CPC (cost per

Marketing Strategy

Convert Non-Branded to Branded Keywords Search Referrers Members Public

Keywords used on search engines that refer traffic to a site are usually listed in the traffic source section of the analytics tools. These keywords are insightful because they allow you to know what users search online to arrive at your site. Now that Google provides less visibility for Organic

Marketing Strategy