Analyze Usability to Improve User Experience and Conversions Paid Members Public
Using digital analytics to analyze the usability of a website to improve the customer experience online and increase conversions is something I’ve been really passionate about. We now live in a time where many CMS tools are very robust and every possible theme or site templates are available, so
Google Analytics Multi-Channel Funnels Report Paid Members Public
Here three reports that are very interesting within Google Analytics which gives great visibility around multi-channel funnels reflecting various path website visitors take. * Multi-Channel Funnels > Top Conversion Paths * Multi-Channel Funnels > Assisted Conversions * Attribution In my view, Top Conversion Paths and Assisted Conversions under multi-channel funnels reports are interesting.
Deployment of Analytics Reports to Focus on Insights Paid Members Public
As an analyst, we all know that we have to spend our time diving deep into the data to connect it to business goals and objectives. However, we end up dealing with many things like tagging, process, QAing, agreement on KPIs, dealing with too many irrelevant metrics, fighting with time
Measuring ROI Using Segmentation Paid Members Public
Measuring ROI using ‘Segmentation’ is a common practice we do as a web analyst, and I’m sure you use it a lot when you dive deep into the data to measure the business performance. Segmentation really makes measuring things online really fun. In this post I’d like to
Web Analytics - Adding Context to Your Analysis Paid Members Public
It is common for web analysts to report basic web traffic data in various reports, but it is very important to add some context around the data and analysis. Based on my discussion with many specialists through conferences, I still feel that there are gaps between what analysts are providing
Finding Insights and Signals from Noise Paid Members Public
I attended the eMetrics summit DC 2010 and got many new ideas. One of the things I found interesting was that data experts approach data analysis differently. Some struggle to get to insights out of web analytics tool, and some are ahead of the curb. As Jim Stern mentioned in
Forecasting Your Traffic Growth Using Z-Chart Paid Members Public
I’m sure every web analysts look at site visitors frequently. It is probably the first thing everybody asks and looks for any discussion relating to websites. I thought I would give a little different perspective on how we typically look at traffic data, using monthly visitors as an example
Landing Pages Long Tail Analysis Segmented by Conversion Paid Members Public
I love looking at landing pages, especially segmenting the report by conversion. We all land on a page via search engines, external sites, email, banner ads, bookmark, Facebook, etc. Regardless of where site traffic comes from, if the landing page is an optimal page that speaks to people’s needs,