
I'm fascinated by how technology are transforming the marketing landscape, and I analyze those dynamics and trends to help businesses make better strategic decisions.

Operational Metrics to Gain Insights on Customer Satisfaction for eCommerce Members Public

In web analytics for eCommerce, we tend to discuss marketing and capabilities within the context of the tools that we use on daily basis and forget the bigger picture. Other than measuring the click-stream data, a lot of the web analytics tools are capable of integrating external data into the

Marketing Strategy

Setting Up Segmentation for Referring Sites that are Non-Marketing Channels Members Public

This article is about how to get a clean list of externally referred sites, where site traffic is not contributed from email related domains, marketing campaigns, direct traffic, etc. The referring sites report under “Traffic Sources” describes how people referred from other sites, but if you really want to separate


How to Leverage Geographic Data and Increase the Reach Members Public

I like looking at this “Map Overlay” within Google Analytics, but I always ask what I can do with this data. So here are a few questions that could come up when you look at the traffic from geo locations: * Which cities or countries have a great interest in the

Marketing Strategy

Web Analytics Segmentation Ideas Members Public

Being able to segment your site traffic by different dimensions is very important in digital analytics. Here are some ideas you can use to build your web analytics segmentation. I’ve listed out some of my favorite segmentations for applying in your digital analytics practice. You’ll see that a


Ways to Create Content for Social Media and Search Members Public

Marketers have been talking about social media and using it as their primary online marketing tactics to drive traffic and qualified leads to their site, business, brands, etc. Some of the obvious tools are twitter,, stumbleupon, delicious, facebook, myspace, linkedin, etc. I believe all of those social media

Marketing Strategy

Integrating CRM With Digital Marketing Analytics Data Members Public

I had to create a post talking about this wonderful article from Justtin Cutroni (@justincutroni)at epikOne. Justin posted an article on March ’09 — Integrating Google Analytics with a CRM Basically, there is a configuration you can do on javascript so that you can capture Google Analytics values and throw


Web Analytics Tools and Softwares to Improve Analysis Members Public

Here are some possible web analytics tools to consider for your web analytics needs. Of course, Google Analytics is free and most commonly talked about, but here are other options for you, and they are free! Suppose you’re starting a blog or site for your company but don’t


How to Come Up With a Keywords List for SEO Members Public

For those who own a site promoting their products or simply writing blogs, I assume there are times you consider thinking and generating keywords for SEO. First, I need to say that since Google has limited its visibility on keywords for Organic Search within Google Analytics, I’ve been using

Marketing Strategy