
I'm fascinated by how technology are transforming the marketing landscape, and I analyze those dynamics and trends to help businesses make better strategic decisions.

Design thinking process and data driven optimization Members Public

As a data person who looks at data to help marketers understand what’s happening on their website or digital marketing programs, it is part of our work to recommend the business on possible next steps and actions to improve the business outcomes. Going to analytics related conferences and seeing

Marketing Strategy

Using Audience Data to Optimize Website Experience Members Public

Integrating audience data is a very powerful way information a marketer could have to plan and reach the right segment of the audience a brand has to go after. As audience data becomes available or able to integrate into tools like web analytics software, companies can now optimize the site

Marketing Strategy

Finding Customer Pain Points on your Website Members Public

One of the common questions optimization (CRO) experts get is, how do you find customer pain points on your website so that they could be fixed or tested to improve site experience? The common answer you may get back is finding customers’ pain points on the website and then fixing


Mobile Analytics and Optimization via eMetrics Summit 2014 SF Members Public

I was one of those fortunate people who attended the eMetrics summit in San Francisco in March 2014. I focused on the mobile tracks, hoping to get more ideas I can apply to work, as user experience around mobile is becoming a key topic. For some companies, mobile is becoming

Marketing Strategy

Using Data to Enhance the User Experience Without Being Creepy Members Public

As I was checking out the eConsultancy’s survey on "Top Priority for Digital Marketers for 2013" crossed my mind, and decided to take a look at once again.  We live in a world where real time data is used to enhance user experience, and often called as


Converting customer behavior to business in marketing Members Public

In late October, I flew to New York to speak for Clicktale’s first conference on ‘Converting Customer Behavior to Business’. I have to say, it was awesome to be there to be part of the speaker along with Bryan Eisenberg and Seth Godin. I’d like to share with

Marketing Strategy

Building a growth hacking mindset and culture within a big company Members Public

I was reading some blogs covering the Growth Hacking event from Open Network Lab and took away with some thoughts around what Andy Johns has shared.  It is very interesting and impressive how the growth hackers in Silicon Valley has approached to find opportunities to optimize by testing while focusing

Marketing Strategy

Idea to Build Hypothesis to Test and Improve Business Performance Members Public

I read my friend’s Enomoto-san’s blog (in Japanese) on ‘building hypothesis for growth hack’, and thought I shared his view and my quick thoughts on it.  The blog post outlines his experience around people asking him ‘how do you build hypothesis?’ or even ‘is my hypothesis

Marketing Strategy